Home Technology WhatsApp group calls just got bigger: up to 15 people

WhatsApp group calls just got bigger: up to 15 people

WhatsApp group calls just got bigger: up to 15 people


Latest Technology News: WhatsApp group calls just got bigger: up to 15 people

With this feature, the company aims to make it more convenient for users to select more participants when setting up group call.

San Francisco: Meta-owned messaging platform WhatsApp is rolling out a new feature on the iOS beta that will allow users to initiate group calls with up to 15 people. Group calls already support up to 32 participants, but it was only possible to start a group call with a maximum of 7 people, reports WABetaInfo. However, with the new feature, beta users can now initiate group calls with up to 15 people.



Although it is possible to select up to 15 users for the initial call, group calls can still have up to 32 participants in total. With this feature, the company aims to make it more convenient for users to select more participants when setting up group call.

The ability to initiate group calls with up to 15 people is currently rolling out to select beta testers who install the latest WhatsApp for iOS beta update from the TestFlight app, and is expected to roll out to more users in the coming days, according to the report.

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More tech news

Meta founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the 32-person video calling feature for WhatsApp in November last year. Earlier this month, it was reported that the messaging platform was rolling out a feature to the iOS beta that allows users to send high-quality videos.

Although this feature preserves the dimensions of the video, minor compression will still be applied to the video, so it is not possible to send videos in their original quality. The default option will always be “Standard Quality” for all videos. Therefore, users should select the high quality option whenever they want to send a video with better quality. A tag will be added to the message bubble when sending a video with the high quality option to inform the recipient that the video is sent using this feature.

Publication Date: Jul 23, 2023 3:00 PM IST

Update date: Jul 23, 2023 3:00 PM IST


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Political Unrest and Diplomatic Strides:
In the political arena, several regions experienced unrest and geopolitical tensions. The ongoing conflict in the Middle East continued to dominate headlines, with efforts towards peace and stability remaining elusive. However, there were also moments of diplomatic breakthroughs as nations engaged in dialogues to ease tensions and work towards lasting solutions.


Economic Transformations:
The global economy faced both challenges and opportunities. Trade disputes between major powers affected markets, while some countries grappled with debt crises. On the other hand, emerging economies showed resilience and promising growth, fueling optimism for a more balanced global economic landscape.

Technological Advancements:
Innovation surged forward in the tech industry, with breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, renewable energy, and space exploration. Quantum computing achieved milestones, promising radical transformations across industries. Renewable energy sources gained traction, with many countries setting ambitious goals to combat climate change.

Climate Crisis and Environmental Resilience:
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Health and Pandemic Management:
Health remained a global priority as countries continued to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. With the emergence of new variants, vaccination efforts and public health measures remained crucial to curbing the spread of the virus. There were also significant advancements in medical research and technology, offering hope for better preparedness in handling future health crises.

Sports and Cultural Milestones:
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In conclusion, the year 2023 was a dynamic period filled with significant events that shaped the course of history. From political unrest to technological advancements and environmental challenges, the world witnessed the complexities of the global landscape. While obstacles remained, there were also encouraging developments and collaborative efforts towards a more sustainable, peaceful, and prosperous future for all nations. As we move forward, the lessons learned from these events serve as a reminder of the importance of collective action and cooperation to address shared global challenges.