Home Technology How to Get Bad Varshan Summoner for Diablo 4’s Malignan

How to Get Bad Varshan Summoner for Diablo 4’s Malignan

How to Get Bad Varshan Summoner for Diablo 4’s Malignan


Latest Technology News: How to Get Bad Varshan Summoner for Diablo 4’s Malignan

I made it through Diablo 4s Season of the Malignant fairly easily for most of the last couple of days, but once the seasonal storyline was over I ran into a problem I didn’t know how to fix.

At the end of the scenario, you get something called an Invoker of Varshan, which the game tells you you can use to fight an Echo of Varshan, essentially a replay of the boss fight. It is behind a certain door at the end of some clever tunnels.

But if by the time you beat the story you’re world tier 3 (which many will be), you’ll open that door and your summoner won’t work. You need something called Foul Invoke of Varshan, which also won’t show up on your crafting table.

So what’s going on? It’s a bit of a weird situation. To fix this, you need to do something that the game doesn’t specify at all. You need to go back to World Tier 1 or 2, go back to the Malignant Tunnel, and do the whole process again, this time being able to summon Varshan with your summoner.

SO this will unlock the ability to fight Varshan in World Tier 3 after crafting a Foul Invoker, which uses a regular Varshan Invoker plus Sigil Dust. This fight is much more difficult though, so be prepared.

Here is a map of where a malignant tunnel containing Varshan’s Gate is located. I believe there are a few tunnels around the map that have access to him, but definitely not all of them.

I don’t know why it was structured this way and it definitely feels like an oversight. Nothing tells you that you have to beat this on world tier 2 first, it just tells you that you need an upgraded version of the Summoner with no real path to get it.

I’m also guessing the next tier is true, where to get the ability to craft the next type of summoner you’ll need to beat Varshan at world tier 3 first. Obviously it takes a bit longer to get to world tier 4, so you might have already done that by then, but just in case, I’m sure it’s the same.

Hope this helped you out of a jam and allowed you to complete a few more Season Journey completions.

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