Home News This flood-resistant Kannur house boasts design and amenities

This flood-resistant Kannur house boasts design and amenities

This flood-resistant Kannur house boasts design and amenities


Latest Kerala Local News: This flood-resistant Kannur house boasts design and amenities

Kerala has become accustomed to heartbreaking news of torrential rains and flash floods in recent years. Houses that effectively overcome flooding became relevant at this time. The new Babus house which stands on the banks of the Kuppam river in Kannur is one such house which was built to cope with the rising waters.

Babus’ parents had migrated to Kannur from Pala in the 1940s. He was a building contractor and supervisor before retiring a few years ago. Babu started thinking about building a nursing home after his children got married and left home.

Babu dared to build his retirement home on the banks of the Kuppam River as people were afraid to build houses by the river after the deadly floods in 2018.

Babu says the river often crosses the banks during monsoon and the flood waters have gushed into the house. The new house is built to allow water to flow unhindered. However, it was extremely difficult to build the foundation for this house. The foundation sits on a plinth beam that was installed by piling up to 13 feet deep. After that, fifteen pillars were built at a height of nine feet.

Designed on 1900 square feet, the beautiful home features a living area, living room and dining room, kitchen, and three adjoining bathrooms.

The river broke its banks during the monsoon following the completion of construction. However, the water flowed under the house, without flooding the house. The family, meanwhile, was relieved that their experiment was successful.

The rooms are arranged in such a way that you can enjoy a sparkling view of the river from here. As the dining room and the kitchen have a certain height under ceiling, a mezzanine which is also used as a multi-purpose space was built. From there you could access the balcony from where you could enjoy the fabulous view of the river.

The minimal kitchen has all the necessary equipment. Meanwhile, the cabinets have ferro-cement slabs with ACP sheet metal doors.

The construction of this amazing abode was completed with an affordable budget of Rs 30 lakh. The limited use of wood for furniture has helped reduce expenses. Instead, alternative materials like steel, UPVC and glass were mostly used. In such a unique plot, money was mainly spent on building the foundation and polishing the outer walls.

Project Facts

Location Karthikapuram, Kannur

Area 1900 SFT

Owner and designer Babu Vattakkunnel

Completion year 2019 December


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In conclusion, the year 2023 was a dynamic period filled with significant events that shaped the course of history. From political unrest to technological advancements and environmental challenges, the world witnessed the complexities of the global landscape. While obstacles remained, there were also encouraging developments and collaborative efforts towards a more sustainable, peaceful, and prosperous future for all nations. As we move forward, the lessons learned from these events serve as a reminder of the importance of collective action and cooperation to address shared global challenges.