Home movieslantern.com Updates Google’s Android 13 Beta 3.2 update fixes a number of bugs

Google’s Android 13 Beta 3.2 update fixes a number of bugs

Google’s Android 13 Beta 3.2 update fixes a number of bugs


There have certainly been issues with this latest Android 13 Beta 3 that Google considered serious enough to address quickly. After releasing the Android 13 Beta 3.1 quick fix last week, Google is back again today with the Android 13 Beta 3.2 update.

The update is again a fix that fixes a number of bugs, including a back gesture not working properly, a strange “Quick Overview” settings page, unexpected microphone flickering on and off, and apps like Google Photos crashing.

Here is the full list of Android 13 Beta 3.2 fixes:

  • Fixed an issue that caused the back gesture to not work in some apps.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the “Quick Overview” settings page to collapse inconsistently when scrolling.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some apps to immediately crash when opened.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the microphone to turn on and off unexpectedly during unrelated device use.
  • We fixed an issue that caused the Google Photos app to crash frequently.

The build is being released as TPB3.220610.004, and the new OTA and factory image files are already available for the Pixel 4, Pixel 4a, Pixel 5, Pixel 5a, and Pixel 6 lines. If you are participating in the Android beta testing program, this update should be delivered over the air networks.

Release Date: June 16, 2022
Assembly: TPB3.220610.004
Emulator support: x86 (64-bit), ARM (v8-A)
Security patch level: June 2022
Google Play Services: 18/22/19

Feel free to grab this update right now. Instructions for flashing the factory image can be found here. Instructions for flashing the OTA ZIP file can be found here.


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