Home Movies Doctor Strange: An Overview of the Multiverse of Madness

Doctor Strange: An Overview of the Multiverse of Madness

Doctor Strange: An Overview of the Multiverse of Madness


Doctor Strange in the multiverse of madness “It’s a rollercoaster ride on a summer afternoon,” recommends Namrata Thakker.

When Doctor Strange appeared in Spiderman: No Way Homethe ending hinted that something special was in store for all MCU fans.

Well, the second part Doctor Strange released in theaters after a long wait and definitely lived up to all expectations.

Staying true to the Marvel Universe, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness it’s a cinematic experience with stunning visuals, amazing action sequences, and a pretty decent story.

From the very first frame, director Sam Raimi lures you into his version of the MCU movie, and from that point on, it only gets crazy, scary, and a little creepy. The last two adjectives are new to the MCU franchise, but we can all get used to them.

Plunging straight into the movie, Doctor Strange and Sorcerer Supreme Wong are thrown into action when they see a monstrous octopus stalking a young girl named America Chavez.

In an alternate universe, Chavez and Doctor Strange were being chased by another demon, and the latter ended up dead.

This time around, Doctor Strange and Wong are saving America Chavez, who has the ability to travel the multiverse and that’s why demons are behind her.

Since Chavez doesn’t know how to control her power, Doctor Strange decides to keep her safe at Kamar-Taj (headquarters of the Mystic Arts Masters).

He also turns to Wanda Maximoff for help, as he believes the demons were created by sorcery.

Doctor Strange is taken back when he discovers Wanda is behind the chaos. She wants to rule the multiverse so she can be reunited with her children Billy and Tommy, who are in the alternate universe.

Will Wanda get her hands on Chavez and her powers?

The plot is wise Multiverse of Madness quite predictable.

After all, if this is a superhero movie and a franchise, then you already know who will save the day, right?

The creators have added a few twists here and there, with special characters making interesting cameos.

That and Wanda’s badass villain certainly work.

In terms of acting, Benedict Cumberbatch excelled, as did most supporting actors.

But it’s Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda who runs the show. She’s a witch, she’s scary and she did her part so well.

Xochitl Gomez as America Chavez adds a youthful, fun and refreshing vibe to the film. Her jokes with Cumberbatch are funny.

But her character could have been written better. Chavez has no layers, so she seems to be a one-dimensional character.

Rachel McAdams (Christine Palmer) also stars, but she has nothing to offer.

Visually, the film is a real treat, even when it gets creepy.

Sam Raimi has poured spooky elements well into his directorial fantasy action thriller, which makes it a bit different from all the other MCU offerings.

Doctor Strange in the multiverse of madness It’s a roller coaster that any movie buff will enjoy watching on a summer’s day.

It’s funny.

It’s creepy.

It has a lot of action and humor and was shot superbly.

Rediff Rating:


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