Home News Can cars drive on the tracks? This drunk driver from Kerala

Can cars drive on the tracks? This drunk driver from Kerala

Can cars drive on the tracks?  This drunk driver from Kerala


Latest Kerala Local News: Can cars drive on the tracks? This drunk driver from Kerala

Kerala News: Kannur’s Jayaprakash Arrested Then Released On Bail. He would have been charged with driving while intoxicated and the relevant sections of the Railway Act. He had traveled about 15 meters through the tracks until he got stuck. The vehicle involved in the incident remains confiscated by the police.

Updated July 21, 2023 | 9:40 PM IST

Kannur: A man from Kerala was arrested for driving his car onto a railway track.

Photo: iStock

Kanur: In a bizarre drunk driving case, a Kerala man has been arrested for driving his Alto car onto a railway track. The drunk man allegedly confused the tracks with the road and continued to drive the car.

The incident happened at Kannur’s Thaazhe Chovve railway gate on Tuesday evening, Manorama Malayala said in a report. Jayaprakash from Anjarakandy reached the railway gate near Thaazhe Chovve dump plant and walked through the railway gate mistaking it for a road. He traveled about 15 meters through the rails until he got stuck, the Malayala Manorama report added.

Alert railway staff quickly alerted Kannur town police to the development. Cops rushed to the scene and pulled the car out of the lanes. Fortunately, no train was due to cross the line when the incident occurred.

Jayaprakash was arrested and then released on bail, according to the report. He is believed to have been charged with drunken driving and relevant sections of the Railways Act. However, the vehicle involved in the incident remains confiscated by police.

In a similar incident earlier this month, a youth got drunk and dozed off on a railway track in Kollam district. Later, he was awakened by the locomotive driver of the oncoming train. Luckily for the man identified as Reji, the train was slow, allowing the locomotive driver to stop it before it was run over.

The incident was reported to Ezhukon of Kollam district. Intoxicated, Reji fell asleep on the train tracks. Around 6:00 p.m., the Kollam – Punalur Memu reached ESIC Hospital and spotted Reji sleeping on the rails, Asianet said in a report. According to the locomotive driver, he rested his head on the line while he slept.


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Sports and Cultural Milestones:
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In conclusion, the year 2023 was a dynamic period filled with significant events that shaped the course of history. From political unrest to technological advancements and environmental challenges, the world witnessed the complexities of the global landscape. While obstacles remained, there were also encouraging developments and collaborative efforts towards a more sustainable, peaceful, and prosperous future for all nations. As we move forward, the lessons learned from these events serve as a reminder of the importance of collective action and cooperation to address shared global challenges.