Home Music BLACK VEIL BRIDES – Born Again (Official Music Video)

BLACK VEIL BRIDES – Born Again (Official Music Video)

BLACK VEIL BRIDES – Born Again (Official Music Video)


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Directed by Vicente Cordero / Industrialism Films
Aesthetic director: MM fabrications
Director of photography: Fernando Cordero
Gaffer: Kevin Angel, Julian Oyanedel
Grip: Alex Urquidez
Makeup & wardrobe: MM Fabrications & Taylor Hoffman
Makeup: Nicole Hernandez
Production: Alisa Daglio, Lauren Hand
First AC: Alex Kumpf
Steadicam: Jordan Sadler

Gitsie Tompkins
Vincent moon
Donovan Lee
Mathew Helmsworth
Wolfgang San
Sean forrester
Raquel sharaf
Jeanelle mastema
Ammo o’day
Taylor Hoffman

Creatures filmed at Behunin estate


The Faith and the Fighter
lighting up the streets, singing for the damned.
Confessing to the choir,
bury every beast and we are Born Again.

The blood runs over me but not the cavalry.
I am alone in everything I see, do you believe?
The thunder sounds and I hear the call,
The underground is the fire below
My enemies and I can never seem to get up to find the hope.

The Faith and the Fighter
lighting up the streets, singing for the damned.
Confessing to the choir,
bury every beast and we are Born Again.

We are Born Again.

The terror that you see is only misery,
It’s getting hard to listen or agree when they just deceive.
The thunder sounds and I hear the call,
The underground is the fire below
My enemies and I can never seem to get up to find the hope.

The Faith and the Fighter
lighting up the streets, singing for the damned.
Confessing to the choir,
bury every beast and we are Born Again.

So look beyond the curtain, take on your burden.
We will stand and fight with you!

The Faith and the Fighter
lighting up the streets, singing for the damned.
Confessing to the choir,
bury every beast and we are Born Again.



#BlackVeilBrides #BornAgain #ThePhantomTomorrow #SumerianRecords



  1. They have all the facts and evidence of who I am and when I started and why you are there instead of I

    I appeal to the Supreme Court on slavery amen the End

  2. They’re trying to turn this birdsh. Into a legend what the devil is this? Give me my birdsh. Stick.

    Shank* shank* shank*


    Amen the end

  3. If I have to give it a genre to this song, this will be the genres: alternative rock, melodic hard rock and glam metal

    Si tuviese que darle un género a esta canción yo le daría los siguientes: rock alternativo, rock duro melódico y glam metal

  4. Hay algunas cosas de las que debo de hablar en esta canción

    1- Andy nos ha demostrado que él desde su primera aparición ha mejorado muchísimo como vocalista. Aquí supera su propia marca personal. Su voz es perfecta para el género que ellos llevan hasta el momento
    2- Los riffs y El solo melódico de Jake demuestran su gran habilidad con la guitarra, en un estilo muy parecido al glam metal (el metal de los años 80)
    3- CC, aunque no es más rápido ni potente con la batería que en otras canciones hace un excelente trabajo en esta canción

    En fin, Born Again es el mejor ejemplo de lo mucho que puede mejorar una banda a través del tiempo… Viva BVB! Espero y sigan creando temazos como éste

  5. Wow hopefully i don't get ton of hate . But there are vocal lines in this song where Andy sounds extremely close to Chad Kroeger on Feed the machine.

  6. my bf is not a fan of bvb but he likes some of their songs. and the fact that he asked "if bvb changed their drummer because this is better than before" which I totally get. It's not about all speed and just follow the guitar and singer. he has now his own pattern. and i'm proud of that. he did better here. more improvement and songs from bvb. thank you,.

  7. You people have fake pretend lives

    You’re not I the messiah to eat real food or water yours is imaginary hahahaha amen the end

    Matrix ha ha

  8. It’s true the birdsh. Is another person than I

    Watch as I force america to make nukes or I’ll end you right here right now amen the endn

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