Home Movies ‘Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves’ Features Sneaky Critical Role Easter Egg

‘Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves’ Features Sneaky Critical Role Easter Egg

‘Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves’ Features Sneaky Critical Role Easter Egg


Since its launch in 2015, the role-playing game web series critical role helped inaugurate a Dungeons & Dragons Renaissance(Opens in a new tab). Given the show’s impact, as well as Critical Role’s previous collaborations with Dungeons & Dragons Wizards of the Coast owner it’s only natural he’ll get a shoutout in the new movie Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Thieves.

The reference to the Critical Role is quite subtle – don’t expect cameos from the Critical Role actors or likenesses of their player characters from previous campaigns. Instead, this easter egg appears in an early scene featuring the wizard Simon (Judge Smith).

Simon puts on a rather unfortunate magic show, where he is unable to create more than a few paltry sensory effects. One of these effects is the smell of freshly cut grass – a spell that also returns later in the film. The wording here is very specific: not “fresh grass”, not “cut grass”, not just “grass”. No, Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Thieves is adamant that it is freshly cut grass.

So why am I getting so worked up about weed – sorry, fresh cut grass? Well, that’s because Fresh Cut Grass is also the name of one of Critical Role’s third role characters. Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Played by Sam Riegel, Fresh Cut Grass (or FCG for short) is an aeormaton, an ancient robot created by the residents of the floating city Aeor. His distinctive name comes from his former tutor, Dancer, who named his many robotic creations after his favorite smells. You have FCG, oatmeal, apple pie and… others(Opens in a new tab).

When I first looked Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Thieves, I wondered if the repeated references to “freshly cut grass” were coincidences. “It’s a popular smell,” I thought to myself. “You read too much into it.”

But it turns out that all the specificity of fresh cut grass is indeed a treat for Critical Role fans! Riegel confirmed this himself in a Critical role TikTok(Opens in a new tab) Sponsored by Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves.

“There may or may not be a reference in the movie to one of my Critical Role characters,” Riegel says in the TikTok, while pointing to his Fresh Cut Grass shirt. So this is it ! When it comes to freshly cut grass and Dungeons & Dragonsnothing is accidental.

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Thieves is now in theaters.